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Pulse Diagnosis

The pulse tells a story, the story of the heart and the heartbeat. Pulse rhythm, pulse strength and pulse pattern has been studied for a long time and from reading the pulse, a Tibb practitioner will be able to pick up the story of the heart and the heartbeat, the story of the bodies problems and how to treat the sickness naturally. The 'art' of reading pulses goes back to the Ancient Greek medical practitioners, further enhanced in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. The story of the pulse is like no other, a story of how the heart is pumping blood to the various organs of the body. Strength, digestion, bile, weakness, hypertension, depression, cancers, diabetes, clogging in ducts (bile, pancreas, spleen, adrenal, hypothalamus & arteries) and various other ailments are picked up just from reading the pulse.