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Unani medicine or better known as Tibbi medicine in Arabic is one of the oldest schools of medicine that dates back to the healing methods of Hippocrates. It is a healing method that has been indoctrinised by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and inculcates the natural and uninvasive way of healing the body. The Unani school of medicine originated in Greece, dating back to 630 BC. Other scholars of Unani Medicine are Aesculapius and Galen. Unani medicine can also be traced back to ancient Egypt and Babylon.


Unani medicine made a breakthrough as the Greeks surged forward in this classical science, whereas the rest of Europe was stuck in the dark ages. Unani medicine spread to the Arabian Peninsula  and became "Islamicised" to become known as Unani-Tibb or Greco-Arabic medicine. From here it spread to Persia, India and the Far East. Unani medicine has planted it's roots firmly in the Indo-Pak subcontinent and is still practised widely today. In South Africa, Unani medicine has only recently started gaining recognition through the Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb in Johannesburg and University of Western Cape.


Many scholars have enriched the Unani field of medicine, but none have contributed as much as Ibn Sina which has earned him the name of "Father of Unani Medicine". Many other scholars like

Ibn Qayim Al Jawzia (1292-1350 AD) and Hakeem Ajmal Khan (1868-1927 AD) have deeply contributed to Unani medicine and this has helped in the refinement of Unani medicine as we know it today.

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Father of Unani Medicine

Unani medicine has been forgotten with the advent of pharmaceutical or allopathic medicine which started around 130 years ago. Unani medicine is starting to regain its stature and trust as the world today realises that "modern medicine" does more harm than good, people are tending towards natural and alternative methods of healing. Natu-Med has been inundated by complaints from patients about chronic sicknesses resulting from long term ingestion of pharmaceutical or allopathic medicine. Some patients, due to prolonged exposure, have shown symptoms of damage to the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and the alimentary canal. We at Natu-Med, fully and wholly support the Unani system of healing and assist those patients to restore the damage already sustained from prolonged exposure to pharmaceutical and allopathic medicine.

Kanun Fi At Tibb (The Canon of Medicine by Ibn Sina)