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Cupping therapy has been practiced by various cultures for centuries and has been revived recently and is becoming very popular in this era. Famous public figures, actors, sportsmen and sportswomen are resorting to cupping therapy as a means to improving their health.

What we see here is a modern day cupping set and vacuum. In traditional practice of cupping, different styles were used, such as:

  • Fire cupping
  • Bamboo cupping
  • Bulb cupping
  • Clay pot cupping
  • Horn cupping (Traditional Sunnah Method)
Blood stasis or "bad blood"

Blood stasis occurs when blood that is old, blood that is not renewed or refreshed in the tissue or organ and becomes stagnant around the tissue resulting in the inability for fresh, oxygenated blood to reach the tissue or organ. This leads to tissue damage, eventual organ failure and the patient remains sick and lethargic. With cupping, the patient gets rid of the "bad blood" and fresh new blood goes into the tissue, kick-starting the repair process and thus the tissue/organ starts to function normally again, leaving the patient feeling recharged and energised.

Benefits of cupping

Cupping is a Sunnah of Huzoor e Paak Hazrath Muhammad(صلى الله عليه وسلم). There are several Ahadeeth where he ordered cupping to be done. By doing cupping, blood-stasis is removed, cells and tissues in the organs, muscles, joints and nerves start receiving oxygenated blood or fresh blood. Blood-stasis is not removed from normal circulation and needs intervention or rather "extra-vention" to allow fresh oxygenated blood to flow to the tissues and help them to repair, recover and restore itself to normal working capacity. The result is healthier cells and tissues and ultimately a healthier body.