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This website is dedicated to the Mashaikh of the Spiritual Order Qaadriya Barkaatiya Ridhwiya, more especially My Spiritual Master Hazrath Allama Moulana Shah Sayed Turab ul Haq, Huzoor Mufti Azam Hind, and his illustrious father Ala Hazrath(Ridhwanullah alaihim ajma'een) Welcome to Natu-Med

Natu-Med is the holistic, natural, alternative approach to medicine and healing. We at Natu-Med, use the Unani-Tibb doctrines of healing. Unani is a Persian word meaning "Greek", The Persians expanded upon the work and medical breakthroughs of the ancient Greeks. Unani medicine was founded by Hippocrates and further refined and mastered by Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Much work of Unani-Tibb that we practice is based on the teachings of Beloved Prophet Hazrath Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم), His Sunnah and practices as detailed by Ibn Qayim Al Jawzia in his works, viz. Al Tibb Un Nabawi.

The Four Humors

The pulse tells a story

The story of the pulse is like no other, a story of how the heart is pumping blood to the rest of the body. The story of the heart and the heartbeat. Pulse rhythm, pulse strength and pulse pattern has been studied for a long time and from reading the pulse. READ MORE»»

Unani medicine works with the four humors. The Four Humors are the metabolic agents of the Four Elements in the human body. The right balance and purity of them is essential to maintaining health. The Four Humors and the elements they serve are as follows:


All four of these humors or vital fluids, are present in the bloodstream in varying quantities:

  • Blood / Sanguine humor
  • Phlegm / Phlegmatic humor
  • Yellow Bile / Choleric humor, is present as a slight residue or bilirubin, imparting a  slight yellowish tint.
  • Black Bile, or the Melancholic humor, is present as a brownish grey sediment with platelets and clotting factors.

Tibb Al Fuqara Wal Masakeen, one of the many books used for Unani Healing

You Are What You Eat

The various common ailments of today's society is the result of bad eating habits and fast foods. Further, food that we prepare are not as wholesome and nourishing as "the old days" as much of our food contains chemicals, genetically modified additives and hormones that has changed the nature of the food that we eat today. Our digestion is thus affected and we as a population end up getting ailments and damage our body in the long term. Some of the ailments are our chronic illnesses that we find today eg. Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer,  Obesity, Heart disease, Chronic Fatigue and Thyroid problems.


Bad eating habits are the primary contributing factors that "create" illnesses within our bodies. Imam Al Ghazali (رضي الله عنه) has stated in his books that excess in any measure and form is detrimental to the body and nafs(soul). The tendencies of today's society is that moderation isn't practised - this has a direct short and long term effect on our bodies, contributing to the sicknesses that are common today.